Sunday, February 13, 2011

A Surprise Visit!

Yesterday I was sitting in the living room, crocheting away, while my son was baking peanut butter cookies. (isn't he a good boy? LOL!)

He said something to me, but I thought, no, I couldn't have heard that right! There's no way he said what I thought he said. So, I asked him to repeat himself. Sure enough, he had said what I thought I heard.

"Mommy, there's a horse walking up our driveway!"

They visited with us for a while, walking around our front and back yard, visiting with Otis, our goat. Then, in his excitement my son spooked them and they ran off before their owners could come get them. They didn't go far, just to the field across the road, though, so it wasn't a problem to catch them.

It was certainly an exciting half an hour or so. Even living in the country, this isn't something that happens every day. I've had cows in my front yard, but never a horse. :)

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Sneak Peek!

I have a sneak peek for you! I'm currently working on a kitchen set ebook. In it I will have matching sets of dishcloths, potholders, cup cozies, that sort of thing. I'm making each item available individually in my shops, as well as each pattern available individually, or you'll be able to purchase the whole book to have them all.

They're not ready yet, but I thought I'd give you a little peek into what I have so far.

This is two of the dishcloths I've made up. They are available for purchase now in my Craft is Art shop and the patterns for these two will be coming either later today or tomorrow.

Monday, February 7, 2011

New Pattern - Daisy Baby-ghan

It's finally finished! I've been telling you all about the baby-ghan I've been working on and I finally have it completed and the pattern written up for sale. Whew! LOL!

So, without further ado, here it is!

Daisy Baby-ghan

This cute pattern is available in PDF format from my Artfire Studio simply by clicking on the photo above, for only $5.95. 


Sunday, February 6, 2011

Just Braggin' On The Boy!

I haven't had a chance to post in the past few days (busy with the daycare). Now that I have a day off, it's time to update you with some proud mama braggin'!

About 2 weeks ago, we received a notice from my son's school that his artwork had been chosen to be displayed at a winter art show! This was a huge surprise for everyone, since my son had no idea his had even been submitted.

Thursday night was the big event. It was a nice little gathering of all the student artists as well as the board members and the CEO of the hospital where the art will be displayed. There was  nice little presentation with a slide show of all the artwork, and each student received a certificate to take home as a memento.

After some cookies and juice, it was off to see the displays! This is my son's piece

and him posing with it

He's so proud, can you tell? He even got his photo taken for the local newspaper! He's had such a hard time this year at school with bullying, this honour couldn't have come at a better time. In a few short months he's went from a confident and self assured young man to an insecure little boy because of the way he's treated at school. This definitely helped!

And the art is good too!


Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Snow Bound!!

Wow, what a winter storm we are experiencing right now! It's a literal blizzard out there.

We've been largely lucky this year with snow. We've been getting a little bit every day, but nothing serious, no storms to speak of. Well, we can't say that anymore!

The wind is blowing so much, I can barely see my garden because of the blowing snow.

If anyone is out and about today, stay safe!

Myself, I'm going to curl up with my hook and yarn and create the day away! I have a baby blanket pattern I'm working on that you all are going to love! The body is almost done and that will leave only the applique's then it will be added for all of you! I would estimate about a week and you'll be able to love it as much as I do.

Happy crocheting everyone!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

New Pattern - Promise 6" Crocheted Afghan Square

I named this one "Promise" because for some reason it made me think of spring. It's just about February right now and spring is only a future promise. Maybe I'm thinking too much about no snow. :)

6" Promise Afghan Square

Friday, January 28, 2011

Finally Friday!!

Some weeks it seems like Friday will never come, doesn't it?

Today is extra special for me. I have no daycare children, which means an entire day completely open for crocheting and working on my new patterns. I'm so excited!

Plus, tonight is my son's piano recital. He's very excited about this. He's quite good and loves to show off his talent to anyone that will listen!

I'm off to park in my favourite spot on my couch, turn on my favourite tv shows and work on my favourite hobby, crocheting.

Happy hooking everyone!